
Welcome To The Girbau Blog, Where We Share Our Know-how To Back The Professional Laundry Business

Welcome To The Girbau Blog, Where We Share Our Know-how To Back The Professional Laundry Business 

The Covid-19 pandemic has made clear the importance of industrial laundry washing machine and disinfecting textiles as a key part of combating the virus and protecting people's health. This is why Girbau has decided to create this blog to provide all our know-how with the aim of helping the professional laundry market and playing an active part in providing our customers with total solutions. 


Commitment to our customers 

Girbau is the world leader in total solutions for professional laundry aimed at the industrial, commercial and vended sectors. Founded in 1960, it is recognised for its innovation, quality and sustainability. We are 100% focused on challenge now and with a view to the post-Covid scenario, and under our new slogan “Laundry Beyond Laundry” we are working to offer our customers maximum added value. Innovation is essential for us and we see it as a key factor in helping our customers in their professional growth, as well as transforming their business, with our solutions and services and our comprehensive support and advice.  

Sustainability and innovation 

Innovation and sustainability are two crucial factors in the recovery of the sector after the trough caused by Covid-19, and this is why we are putting all our efforts into anticipating our customers' needs, to provide them with solutions to ensure control of hygiene and disinfection standards. To this end we have developed a specific solution. We call it the Covid-19 Disinfection Monitoring Package, and it is an example of our ability to provide a rapid response to meet the changing demands of the market. This is a new programme that forms part of Sapphire, the smart remote control software by Girbau to help customers, especially hotels, aged-care and others with their own commercial laundry equipment, prevention and disinfection strategies by guaranteeing procedures in accordance with the demands of the new normality. We are also developing a range of solutions suitable for wet cleaning operations, a system that, unlike dry cleaning, can guarantee total disinfection, maximum hygiene and excellent results with linen. Wet cleaning is the only method that can completely eliminate bacteria and micro-organisms, ensuring the highest levels of hygiene and health. 


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